The golden calf

Text by Heinrich Heine (1797-1856)
Translated into English by Joseph Massaad 

deutsch - français

Fiddles, flutes and horns unite,
And to the idol-dance invite.
All of Jacob's daughter spring;
Around the golden calf, they dance,
Brum- brum- brum, like in a trance.
Kettle drums and laughter ring!

Tunics girded up to the loin,
While their hands they tightly join,
Noble maidens, in circles swing,
And like a whirlwind twist,
With the calf in its midst.
Kettle drums and laughter ring!

Aaron himself could not
Resist to dance with the lot;
As a priest, he has to look after
Faith, yet with his high-priest coat
He proceeds to dance like a goat.
Kettle drums and laughter ring!